Tuesday, June 20, 2006

last weekend (july 17) ...

*That's Gelo, more interested in listening to the music...*
(rather than on his scenic sorroundings...!!)

kids nowadays, huh?! ;p

these pictures were shot at a park inside Clark Airbase, Pampanga


At 8:47 PM, Blogger midnitebara said...

yeah kids nowadays are so gadget addict to even notice their surroundings. I think its not good for their physical health and mental health.
opps, sorry ! the ate in me started again!

At 9:07 PM, Blogger maiylah said...

hi, yorokobee!
yes, mas like nyang sakyan yung mga horses...and since nasa loob lang yung mga horses na andun..i think he'd rather listen to his music. hahaha..
honestly, it's not that good anymore, the air base.. the duty free shops are dwindling and neglected..the area is still huge, though..hehe. i really loved the space and the wide roads.. :))

At 9:22 PM, Blogger maiylah said...

thank you, ate midnite.. [^-^]
yes, i agree that being too attached to gadgets at a young age isn't good, both for the physical and mental well-being of a child. that's why Gelo's dad and i make it a point to expose Gelo to different sorroundings at such a young age (hehehe, he has already been to Mindanao, Visayas, and around Luzon). We do reward him with "gadgets/toys", though. But if his cousins are around, he won't even glance at his toys; he'd rather play and run around the house with them!! ;p

At 4:29 AM, Blogger Cursief Huigje said...

Lovely pictures!!

At 4:30 AM, Blogger Kris said...

gelo is so clever! i'm so outdated with technologies :p
The horsie has shinny hair! Must be the fresh air there..looks wonderful, Maiylah!

At 7:48 AM, Blogger maiylah said...

thanks, Kris!
kids do "pick up/absorb" stuffs easily than us, don't they? hehehe..that's why we have to be careful what we teach them (like what **"ate" midnite said).. hoping that we are teaching gelo a balanced view on both sides (the techy and the nature/natural stuffs)! ;p

**ate = means "big/older sister"

thank you for the comment, too, bart! appreciate it! :)


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