Friday, June 09, 2006



yup, gelo's haircut signifies the end of summer, for us...
it's school season once again...
and with it also the homeworks, field trips, projects, P-T meetings... etcetera!
..almost forgot to mention: the rainy season, too! :o)

ps. trying so hard not to be obvious while taking those barber shop shots...!!!
thank heavens for camera phones! lol...


At 5:13 PM, Blogger midnitebara said...

there was a barber shop just like that in front of our old house. He had the whole village's hair ti cut and trim and shave. Cheap too, we call him " manong ".

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Kris said...

you have biz. to the sleeping barber?! hehehe..
is it a requirement by the school to keep crew cut for all male pupils?

At 2:08 PM, Blogger maiylah said...

thanks, midnitebara... they are indeed a common sight...but not as common as before, i think. the bigger malls are getting most of the clients..but i think they'll stay on. :))

At 2:11 PM, Blogger maiylah said...

nope, no business with the sleeping barber there, Kris..LOL!!! he just made a pretty picture, that's all. ;p
their school doesn't force the students to sport crew cuts, Kris...gelo just really likes to have his hair real short. i guess i am to "blame" for that.. lol..

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Kris said...

hehehe..well, if he joins the canoe/kayak team in the future, he'll want longer hair !


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